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LEGIO X FRETENSIS   November 2000 Newsletter -- Page 2
- Text and Photos by Robert Garbisch

The results have been tabulated. Of the 24 official members of LXF that I tried to contact, I received 12 responses in regards to the following survey questions:

I announced the sudden unexpected passing ol a very good friend and supporter of LXF, Jerry Axtell. One of his dreams was to have made for us a leather Roman tent. In memory of his dedication, I would like to see a leather Roman tent made. But in order to achieve this reality, there must be

  1. A firm response from all of you in the areas of a commitment to continue your membership in LXF for the year 2001.
  2. Some volunteer time from you to actually help assemble this project, for example, cutting and sewing.
  3. Some financial aid in the form of an additional donation to purchase the materials required.
As you can see, I received only a 50 percent response to my survey questions. Of that 50 percent, most of them did express words of encouragement to see LXF continue in its original format, There is no doubt in my mind that LXF truly does offer the public a good, quality program of educational value.


Now comes your part in this commitment to continue the good works of LXF. This LXF newsletter is being sent to all paid members of LXF, Guest Subscribers, and those who have expressed interest in joining LXF but have yet to make the official commitment to do so. I have enclosed for you a LXF Enlistment Form. If you desire to renew, or join, for the year 2001, then I am requesting from you to please pay your membership dues now (before the Christmas gift buying rush). A review of last year's operational expenses shows that an increase in dues must be done in order to adequately cover higher food expenses. I am requesting that full LXF Membership dues be $40 per year for each household.

Please keep in mind, a paid membership entitles you to enjoy authentic Roman meals at all events that you attend. Guest Subscriber dues will remain at $10 per year. For those who are undecided in joining LXF, this issue will be your last "free" issue. Sorry!
***Note: Please mail me your dues and enlistment form before January 1, 2001. Thanks.

I contacted a Leather Warehouse in Napa, and found that the estimated cost for just the leather material we alone will cost about $800.00 Add to this amount about an additional $100 for the wood, ropes, and stakes.

Therefore, before any possible work can be attempted, I have a serious need of some type of financial donation support from you. If you are unable to pay the suggested amount for now, I will accept a pledge from you for the amount you wish to donate, which can be made in monthly payments.

How much of a donation should you give? Several members suggested $50. 1 require at least $800 in order to make the necessary purchase of the leather material alone. I will donate the first $50, plus match that amount from our LXF treasury. Thus the initial amount of $100 will start this special Leather Tent Fund. How much can you give? God bless thee.

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