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LEGIO X FRETENSIS   September 2000 Newsletter -- Page 2
- Text and Photos by Robert Garbisch

On a different note, I wish to bring to your attention a special report from our traveling LXF representative, Justis Aurelius (Jerry Axtell), who has graciously provided us with his comments on a recent trip to England. From his observations of our fellow Romans there, certain changes are being advised. As much as LXF would love to have an authentic Roman leather tent, which is financially challenging right now, we can easily modify our existing wall tent to represent a better Roman style tent. This has been done now.

Another easy suggestion for change involves our tunica. One common version of a Roman tunic was a simple box type style, with no arm sleeves. There are two ways of making this type of tunic. One is to cut out a head opening of about II" to 12",and drape the material evenly over your body. Lift up your arms and cut the two sides equally at about I" to 2" above the elbow. Then sew up the two sides, leaving about 10" to 12" for an arm opening on each side. Sew a hem to the bottom, armholes, and neck opening. The other way is to cut out two box patterns according to the size suggested above. Then sew your bottom hem, two sides, arm hole, hems, shoulder, and neck hem.

This beautiful country site will be the location of our next LXF event. This event will be our last public presentation. Please try to come. We have received some great publicity from the Fairfield Daily Republic. Ian Thompson, a Staff Writer, came to interview both Marcus and Lydia about LXF. From this article, LXF has received some phone calls and emails. Two schools in Fairfield plan to send their Latin students to our event. Centurio Marcus will be making a LXF presentation to their classes on Sept. 14th.

Brian Hamlin, from the Vacaville The Reporter, will also print an announcement of our upcoming event. Plus, LXF will get a radio announcement from Lynda Rose, the Information Editor/Morning Show Producer, of KUIC 95.3.

The real success of this event will all depend upon your personal participation. Caesar needs your active support! Hail Caesar!

Directions to Lagoon Valley Regional park:
Take 1?80 East to Sacramento. Exit at Pena Adobe Road. Follow the signs to the park Take 1?80 West to San Francisco. Exit at Pena Adobe Rd. Follow the signs to the park


Shown at right is one of our combined Battle Tactical demonstrations. From the left are Legionary Calventius (Ed McDonald) and recruit Legionary Julius (Ethan Hockman). Then Centurio, Marcus is seen engaging the Celtic Battle Chief, Vendonnallix (Kevin Beckman), supported by his friend Dennis (Celtic name unknown).







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