Landstrom, Bjorn The Ship: An Illustrated History Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1961.
Keywords: Ships History Navigation History Naval Art and Science History Maritime
Landstrom, Bjorn Sailing Ships in Words and Pictures From Papyrus Boats to Full Riggers New York: Doubleday, 1969.
Keywords: Ships History Navigation History Naval Art and Science History Maritime
Lewis, A. and Timothy Runyan European Naval and Maritime History 300 - 1500 Bloomington, IN University of Indiana Press, 1990.
Nelson, Richard B. The Battle of Salamis London: William Luscombe, 1975.
Keywords: Ships Ancient History Warfare Technology Military Tactics Greece Sea Battles Greek and Roman Naval Tactics
Casson, Lionel Ships and Seafaring in Ancient Times Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1994.
Keywords: Mediterranean Region History Naval Naval history ancient Greece History Naval Rome History Naval Maritime Ships Egyptian Phoenecian
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