Wise, Terence and Richard Hook Armies of the Carthagenian Wars 265 - 146 BC London: Osprey, 1982.
Keywords: Rome History History Military Weapons Arms Uniforms Warfare
Sekunda, Nick and Angus McBride Republican Roman Armies 200 - 104 B.C. London: Osprey, 1995.
Sekunda, Nick, Simon Northwood, and Richard Hook Early Roman Armies London: Osprey, 1996.
Rankov, Dr. Boris and Richard Hook The Praetorian Guard London: Osprey, 1994.
Keywords: Rome History History Military
Simkins, Michael and Ronald Embleton The Roman Army from Caesar to Trajan London: Osprey, 1984. Keywords: Rome History History Military Weapons Arms Uniforms Warfare
Simkins, Michael and Ronald Embleton The Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine London: Osprey, 1979.
Keywords: Rome History History Military
Macdowall, Simon and Gerry Embleton Late Roman Infantryman 236 - 565 AD London: Osprey Publishing Ltd., 1994.
Keywords: Rome Ancoent Army Military Weapons Tactics Infantry History
Nicolle, David and Angus McBride Romano - Byzantine Armies 4th - 9th Centuries London: Osprey, 1992.
Wilcox, Peter and G. A. Embleton Rome's Enemies 1: Germanics and Dacians London: Osprey, 1982.
Wilcox, Peter and Angus McBride Rome's Enemies 2: Gallic and British Celts London: Osprey, 1985.
Wilcox, Peter and Angus McBride Rome's Enemies 3: Parthians and Sassanid Persians London: Osprey, 1986.
Macdowall, Simon and Angus McBride Germanic Warrior 236 - 568 AD London: Osprey, 1996.
Nicolle, David and Angus McBride Arthur and the Anglo Saxon Wars London: Osprey, 1984.
Keywords: Great Britain History History Military Anglo Saxons Rome History Empire
Heath, Ian and Angus McBride The Vikings London: Osprey, 1996.
Turnbull, S. R. and Richard Hook Samurai Armies 1550 - 1615 London: Osprey, 1979.
Peterson, Daniel The Roman Legions Recreated in Colour Photographs London: Windrow & Greene Ltd., 1992.
Ashdown, Charles Henry European Arms and Armor New York: Brussel & Brussel, 1967.
Keywords: Arms Armor Knights Medieval Middle Ages Edged Weapons Warfare Europe History Ancient Greek Roman
This book has lots of line drawings and a few black & white photos. There is a small section on Roman arms and armor but it goes into great depth in the sections on medieval armor.
Warry, John Warfare in the Classical World Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
Keywords: Rome Greece History Military Warfare War Weapons Army Tactics
University of Oklahoma Press
Paperback edition originally published by Salamander Books Ltd., London in 1980
This is an excellent book about military tactics from the earliest Mesopotamians to the fall of Rome. The information and drawings of weaposn and armor incorporate much that has been discovered in recent archaeological research.
Dolan, Mary Hannibal of Carthage New York: Macmillan, 1955.
Keywords: History Ancient Rome Roman Carthage Punic Wars Hannibal Biography North Africa Juvenile literature/Fiction
This historical novel contains lots of action for young readers. It holds the readers interest yet sacrifices nothing when it comes to facts. Written from the point of view of Hannibals personal secretary.
Longmate, Norman Defending the Island: From Caesar to the Armada London: Grafton, 1990.
Keywords: Great Britain History England Civilization Anglo Saxons Roman Empire Barbarians Dark Ages
Grant, Michael The Army of the Caesars New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974.
Keywords: Rome History History Military Army Soldiers Praetorian Prefect
Parker, H. M. D. The Roman Legions New York: Barnes & Noble, 1993.
Keywords: Rome History Military Army Legions
Bury, J. B. The Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians New York: W. W. Norton & Company
Keywords: Europe History Barbarians Huns Goths Visigoths Rome Fall of Rome Dark Ages Middle Ages Medieval
Nicolle, David and Angus McBride Arthur and the Anglo Saxon Wars London: Osprey, 1984.
Keywords: Great Britain History History Military Anglo Saxons Rome History Empire
The whole list in alphabetical order
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