Bellerophon Books Infamous Women Paper Dolls Santa Barbara, CA Bellerophon Books, 1994.
Keywords: Women History Famous Personalities Persons Biography
Oost, Herbert Irwin Galla Placidia Augusta Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ????.
Keywords: Women History Ancient Rome Roman Empire Church Byzantine Byzantium
Fraser, Antonia The Warrior Queens New York: Vantage, 1988.
Keywords: Women Biography Queens Biography Women in Politics Women Soldiers History Ancient Roman Palmyra Britain Europe England Egypt Spain
Boyd, Mildred Rulers in Petticoats New York: Criterion, 1966.
Keywords: Women History Rome Europe History Ancient
Giacosa, Giorgio Women of the Caesars: Their Lives and Portraits on Coins Rome?: Edizioni Arte E. Moneta,???.
Keywords: Rome History Rome Civilization Coins Roman Ladies Noblewomen Women
Trager, James The Women's Chronology: A Year-By-Year Record from Prehistory to the Present New York: Henry Holt, 1994.
Keywords: Women History Chronology Chronology, Historical History Ancient Timelines
Aries, Philippe and Georges Duby, eds. A History of Private Life 1: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium (Hardback) Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 1987.
Keywords: Manners and Customs Family History Civilization History Europe Social Conditions Rome History Byzantine Empire history Women
Browning, Robert Justinian and Theodora London: Thames and Hudson, 1987.
Keywords: Byzantine Empire History Rome History
Balsdon, J.P.V.D. Life and Leisure in Ancient Rome New York: McGraw-Hill, 1969.
Keywords: History Rome Roman Empire Customs Civilization Daily Life
Paoli, Ugo Enrico Rome: Its People, Life, and Customs New York: David McKay Co., ????.
Keywords: History Rome Roman Empire Customs Civilization Daily Life
Carcopino, Jerome Daily Life in Ancient Rome New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968.
Keywords: History Rome Civilization Classical Roman Culture
Hamilton. Edith The Roman Way New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1960.
Keywords: Rome History Rome Civilization
Dupont, Florence Trans. by Christopher Woodall Daily Life in Ancient Rome Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992.
Keywords: Rome Social Life and Customs Rome History
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