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Forma - Ad signa Formation - Fall in
Forma - Unos finis Forn one line
Forma - Duo finis Form two lines
Dirige Frontem - Dexter Dress ranks - Right
Dirige Frontem- Sinister Dress ranks - Left
Redi Front face
Silentiurn Silencel
Noto - Animus Attentus Attentionl - Listen closely
Mandata captate Observe the orders
Laxate Parade rest
Ad laxare Rest in place
Ordenem servate Keep your position
Inspectus - Intra Inspection - open rear rank
Exi - Unge Rear rank - close
Fere spectare - Transforma Face to the rear - About face
Dimitto Dismissed
Ad agmine Form marching column
Signo sequute Follow the standard/leader
Ad gladium - clina To the right - face
Ad scutum - clina To the left - face
Agmen claudere - Transforma Counter march to the rear
Moveo Marchl
Accelera Speed up
Tarda Slow down
Ad dextram - depone Right wheel - deploy
Ad senestram - depone Left wheel - deploy
Sin pie - dex pie Left foot - right foot
Sin-sin-sin-dex-sin Left-left-left-right-left
Consiste Halt!
Ad aciem- Pugna - Celeriter Form Battle Lines! - Battle! - Quickly!
Pila infige Plant your pilum (upright)
Pila pone Lay down your pile
Pila tolle Pick up your pilum
Pila iace Throw your pilum
Gladium stringe Draw your sword
Gladium reconde Sheath your sword
Parati - Oppugnare Ready! - Charge!
Ad testudinem Form the Testudo
Ad cuneum Form the Wedge
Defendi altus Defend high
Defendi inferius Defend low
Defendi ad parati Defend at the ready
Impetus Attack!
Repulsus Drive back, repulse!
Ave Caesar! Hail Caesarl
Meus caparum Romanus-Ad Victoria! My Roman troops - To Victory!
Cum gratia  
Centurio Marcus  
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Last Updated on 4/1/99
Used by kind permission of Robert Garbisch