LEGIO X FRETENSIS at Point Pinole. Present for duty are: Antony Lucius (Anthony Garbisch) Marcus Lucius (Robert Garbisch), Gaius magnus (Steve Oster). Titus Aeldred (Doug Unsworth) joined us for the second half of this 8 - mile hike.
Marcus Lucius on a construction detail of building fortifications at Jackrabbit Trails (Great War site).
Marcus Lucius on a construction detail of building fortifications at Jackrabbit Trails (Great War site).
The charcoal kilns near Wildrose Peak
Centurio Marcus doing the honors of presenting Titus Aedred his Caesar medallion. His son, Severius, is witness of this proud occation.
Our Centurio looks on approvingly as Severius Aedred proudly displays the LEGIO X FRETENSIS standard, a show of force intended to impress and cow the rebellious Zealots of the region who may wish to occupy the Fortress of Masada!
Caesar, we salute you! Present for duty are: (left to right) Lucas Flavius, Marcus Lucius, Severius Aedred, and Titus Aedred.
Our LEGIO X FRETENSIS campsite. The weather was so comfortable that we did not need to use the tent fly as a shade between the two tents.
Our LEGIO X FRETENSIS campsite. The weather was so comfortable that we did not need to use the tent fly as a shade between the two tents.
Shown here are Titus and Severius viewing the desert floor of Death Valley from the tower wall of Scotty's Castle before our recon march through Titus Canyon.
A couple of the troops lounge in the distinctive headgear of the Taauroviri Americanae, known in the local tongue as American Cowboys. Centurio Marcus looked the other way as long as the practice of adopting articles of barbarian dress did not get out of hand.
Centurio Marcus explaining to our men the mission for this march.
This closeup of Centurio Marcus in the previous image shows the desolate beauty of one of the rock formations seen along the march.
We enjoy one of the many rugged scenic wonders along our route as we paused briefly for a rest.
Closeup of Centurio Marcus standing at the edge of the impressive Ubenebe Crater.
Centurio Marcus standing at the edge of the impressive Ubenebe Crater.
Our contingent is all set to go on this recon march through Titus Canyon. On duty for this assignment are: Octavius Lucius (Jim Garvisch), Marcus Lucius, Severius Aedred, and Titus Aedred.
This scenic panorama of Death Valley is seen from Red Pass. The floor of the valley is over one mile lower in elevation from where the photohrapher stands.
We take our lunch at Red Pass just before the ambush (over 5200 feet elevation).
Marcus and Octavius Lucius rest for a moment by the side of the traiil. These goood legionaries are always in a state of preparedness, their weapons ready to repel any sneak attack by the Zealots!