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Definition of Terms

Comitatensis - Comitatensis was the name given to the mobile field army during the later Roman Empire. Pioneered during the reign of Gallienus and later developed during the Tetrarchy and the reign of Constantine I, the Roman army was reorganized into two major divisions. One, the comitatensis, was a fast mobile striking force that could arrive upon the scene of trouble within a few weeks while the other consisted of frontier units whose responsibility was to guard the borders of the Empire from attack. The Comitatensis was considered to be the more elite body of troops while the frontier units were looked on as expendable. The frontier units were less well trained and equipped.

Ripariensis - These were stationed along the rivers that served as a demarcation of Roman territory.

Limitanei - The limitanei were the troops stationed in forts along the borders of the Roman Empire during the late imperial period.

Foederati - These were the federated Barbarian troops enlisted en masse into the Roman army during the late empire. The enlisted men served under their own officers who often were the same Barbarian chieftains who had been fighting against Rome before they were accepted into imperial service and given high ranking imperial commissions.

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