Visitors may click Jay's History of Technology Page to visit this site. We are happy that you have found us and have decided to stop in for a visit. While you are here, you will have the opportunity to meet some remarkable people, even if their place in history has been secured only by their extreme bad luck in having been elevated to the position of Roman Emperor for a few weeks or months. One poor benighted fool even paid handsomely for the privilege!. These unfortunate souls usually met a violent death at the hands of their own fickle and mutinous legions. In some cases, these short - lived emperors even managed to issue coins bearing the legend FIDES MILITVM (Loyalty of the Army) before their murder.
You will also meet some women who played a pivotal role in Roman history. Many of these were noblewomen of the imperial family and some of them were rulers of client kingdoms and rebellious provinces. Amongst these ladies you will find some of the Empire's finest administrators, most cunning political strategists, and even a brilliant general or two. They were often more intelligent amd ambitious than their husbands or brothers - in - law who occupied the throne. They deserve a much greater place in history than that which has been given them by historians throughout the last two thousand years. Most of them are known to us only through highly fictionalized romantic tales of tragedy and feminine heroism. They deserve a better place in history, based upon the merits of their own accomplishments. Some of their stories will be showcased here.
For me, history has always come to life and seemed more real when I spend time examining and enjoying ancient coins. These small pieces of metal not only served as money, but also conveyed messages from a ruler to his or her people. This propaganda often expressed wishful thinking, as in the example cited above. Many of these coins qualify as miniature works of art. Even the more crudely executed designs are much better than those on a modern U. S. quarter or cent. When I have had the opportunity of sharing my interest in Roman history with classes of elementary and middle school students, I have made these people and events come to life for them as well by allowing them to handle and read the inscriptions on a coin 1600 to 2000 years old. Some of these coins are surprisingly inexpensive even when in excellent condition, and I will try to showcase some examples from time to time.

Links to pages at this site

Septimius Severus - Roman Emperor From Africa

How Much Would It Buy?
A Discussion of Roman money, inflation, and what a coin would buy

Meet some Roman women in history
These pages contain text and jpeg images which run from about 15k to 25k in size. If you are a teacher or work with students in another capacity and are interested in the material presented here, please send me email at the address below. I have been working on a Roman and early medieval history project for a couple of years. I have lots of material to share as well as lots of unfinished work that might provide an ideal learning opportunity for students. If students email me concerning Roman history, I will try to respond unless I start to become inundated with requests. I hope you enjoy your visit to these pages.

Featured Inexpensive Late Roman Bronze Coins From the Reign of Constantine the Great and his Sons. (A.D. 330 - 348). One of these is an almost uncirculated example of the common two soldiers one standard reverse type.

Do You Have Any Ancient Images to Swap? These might be snapshots from trips to Europe or the Middle East, ancient bridges, buildings, aqueducts, monuments, roads, fortifications, castles, relevant sites, sculpture, art.

Important People
They may not be in the history books, but I can't really call any accomplishment really my own without acknowledging the important part they have played in my life and growth.

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